Morena Capabilities beta version 0.6
Morena Capabilities library introduces Morena's two most required features:
- Pops up pure Java user interface windows to allow users to set the required scanning capabilities (options in Sane).
- It remembers the last used interface (Twain/Sane), last used hardware, last used capabilities and their values. This is the often required "One button scanning" solution.
The source code of this library is available at the examples/MorenaCapabilities/src
directory of the trial distribution package.
Technical notes:
- MorenaCapabilities library stores necessary information to the properties files located in the .morena directory of the user's home directory.
- It is possible to turn on a debug mode by setting -Dmorena.capabilities.debug=true system property.
Please, notice, that this library is in beta version and can be changed. We appreciate
your experiences with using this library.